Qualitative Sociology Review
2006 Volume II Issue 1
Brian Roberts
(PhD) is Visiting Professor in Border Studies at the University of Glamorgan, UK. He is Vice-President, Biography and Society RC38, ISA and a Board Member, Biographical Perspectives on European Societies RN, ESA and on the editorial boards of Qualitative Sociology Review, Auto/Biography and Family and Community History journals. His publications include Policing the Crisis (1978) (Macmillan) (with S. Hall et al.); Biographical Research, (2002) (OU); Micro-Social Theory (2006, Palgrave, in press); and The Researcher's Experience of Research (2006/7, Sage, forthcoming). His research interests include: narrative and life history; time and memory; and communal studies. He is currently writing a book on communal change in a former mining valley in S. Wales, and developing projects on: 'Composing Sexual Stories' and 'Migration and new identities in S. Wales'. He has been a visiting researcher/lecturer in Denmark, Sweden and Poland.
Contact: broberts@glam.ac.uk
Riitta Kyllönen
is Researcher at the University of Tampere, Finland. Her research interests include methodological and epistemological issues in qualitative research, and feminist research. She has worked in several international projects on the welfare state, family and the labour market. Among her articles in English are, 'It's in the way you use it': Biography as a tool in professional social work, in Chamberlayne, Prue and Joanna Bornat and Ursula Apitzsch (eds.) (2004) Biographical Methods and Professional Practice, (The Policy Press) and 'Interpreting the needs of lone mothers', European Journal of Social Work (1999). Currently she is working on a comparative project on elderly care 'Squaring the Care Circle' in Finland and Italy (funded by the Academy of Finland, SA1211195). She is co-authoring a book on care and writing articles on transnational care, and issues of fieldwork in a comparative perspective. She has been as a (visiting) researcher in several Italian Universities, and in the Mannheim Centrum of European Social Research (MZES), Germany.
Contact: riitta.kyllonen@uta.fi
Bogusia Temple
(PhD) is a Professor of Health and Social Care Research at the University of Central Lancashire. Her interests are in methodology generally but in particular in relation to language and ethnicity. She is currently working on a national evaluation of Early Support services for disabled children 0-3 funded by the Department For Education and Skills in England.
Contact: BTemple1@uclan.ac.uk
Stephanie Taylor
(PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Open University, UK. Her teaching publications are in the area of research methods, particularly qualitative data analysis, and critical social psychology. Her recent research has focused on the importance of place-related identities in contemporary societies in which it is usual for people to change residence and break the connections of origin, family and childhood that conventionally linked us to where we live. She is currently working with Karen Littleton on a new project, Creative Journeys, which looks at the identity work of novices in creative and artistic fields.
Contact: s.j.a.taylor@open.ac.uk
Karen Littleton
(PhD) is a Senior Lecturer in the Educational Dialogue Research Unit at the Open University, UK. Her research interests concern the psychology of education and she has co-edited Learning with computers (1999) with Paul Light; Rethinking collaborative learning (2000) with Richard Joiner, Dorothy Faulkner and Dorothy Miell; Learning to collaborate, collaborating to learn with Dorothy Miell and Dorothy Faulkner (2004) and Creative Collaborations (2004) with Dorothy Miell. She is the co-author, with Paul Light, of Social processes in children's learning (1999). From 1994-99 she was senior scientist in the European Science Foundation's 'Learning in Humans and Machines' programme. She is currently the lead editor for the international book series Advances in Learning and Instruction.
Contact: k.s.littleton@open.ac.uk
Maggie O'Neill
(PhD) is based in the Dept of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. She was co-editor of Sociology, the journal of the British Sociological Association from 1999 to 2002. Maggie's research interests are in participatory action research, critical theory, ethnography, prostitution, and forced migration. She has published extensively in the areas of cultural criminology, sex work, communities affected by prostitution, forced migration, community cohesion as well as critical theory, feminisms, creative consultation and evaluation research. Key books include: Adorno, Culture and Feminism (1999); Prostitution and Feminism: towards a politics of feeling (2001); Prostitution: a reader, edited with Roger Matthews (2002); Dilemmas in Managing Professionalism and Gender in the Public Sector edited with Jim Barry and Mike Dent (2002); and Sex Work Now, edited with Rosie Campbell (2006). Her research and consultancy have been funded by the British Council, the Arts and Humanities Research Board, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, the Home Office, the Government Office East Midlands, Health Action Zones, Leicester Education Authority and Leicester City Council. Maggie is a member of various professional networks and a member of the Midlands Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice. She is an Academic Advisor to the Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Global network http://www.humiliationstudies.org
Contact: m.oneill@lboro.ac.uk
Ramaswami Harindranath
(PhD) is Senior Lecturer and Acting Director, Media and Communications, University of Melbourne, Australia. His main areas of research and publication include ethnicity and the media, international communications, and qualitative audience research. He is currently completing a manuscript on global and local media and cultural formations.
Contact: rhari@unimelb.edu.au
John Given
(PhD) is a Senior Lecturer at Northumbria University with teaching interests in Narrative Methodology and Contemporary issues of Identity. Current projects relate to the application of digital technologies to these interests as a way of embedding the 'service user's voice' at the centre of teaching about health and social care.
Contact: john.given@unn.ac.uk
Kip Jones
(BA, MSc, PhD) is Reader in Health Related Social Science at the Centre for Qualitative Research, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom, where he is currently organising seminars and workshops on 'Performative' Social Science. He is Associate Book Review Editor for the online journal, Forum: Qualitative Social Research (FQS) and moderator of the online news group, Performative Social Science (http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?SUBED1=performsocsci&A=1). An overview of his work is available on his website: http://kipworld.net
Contact: kipworld@gmail.com