Qualitative Sociology Review
Volume III Issue 2
Robert Prus, a professor of
sociology at the University of Waterloo, is a symbolic
interactionist, pragmatist ethnographer, and social theorist.
Stressing the importance of connecting social theory with the study
of human action in direct, experientially-engaged terms, he has
written extensively on the ways that people make sense of and deal
with the life-worlds in which they find themselves. His publications
include Road Hustler with C.R.D. Sharper; Hookers,
Rounders, and Desk Clerks with Styllianoss Irini; Making
Sales; Pursuing Customers; Symbolic Interaction and
Ethnographic Research; Subcultural Mosaics and
Intersubjective Realities; Beyond the Power Mystique; and
The Deviant Mystique with Scott Grills. Working as an
ethnohistorian and theorist, Robert Prus has been tracing the
developmental flows of pragmatist thought from the classical Greek
era (c700-300BCE) to the present time. This transhistorical venture
has taken him into a number of areas of western social thought --
including rhetoric, poetics, religious studies, history, education,
politics, and philosophy.
Contact: prus@uwaterloo.ca
Tim Gawley (PhD) is an Assistant
Professor of Leadership at Wilfrid Laurier University’s Brantford
campus, Canada. He teaches research methods and evaluation research
in Laurier Brantford’s multidisciplinary Contemporary Studies,
Criminology and Leadership programs. His current interests are
symbolic interactionist theory, qualitative methods and the
sociology of occupations and professions.
Contact: tgawley@wlu.ca
Frank Nutch (PhD) teaches sociology of
science and the sociology of everyday life at Trent University,
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. He received his MA from the
University of Hawaii - Manoa and his PhD from York University,
Toronto, Ontario. His main research focus in the sociology of
science and scientific knowledge has been in investigating the use,
history, and development of the scientific field research technique
of photographic identification of cetecea (whales, dolphins, and
porpoises). He is currently writing a book based on his two decades
of participant observation research with marine field scientists,
tentatively titled: Scientists at Work: Reflections on doing
fieldwork with marine scientists.
Contact: fnutch@trentu.ca
Allison L. Hurst (PhD) is Visiting
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Legal Studies at Kenyon
College, Gambier, Ohio. Trained as both a lawyer and sociologist,
she is interested in issues of class inequality and class
consciousness. Her courses include Class Studies, Class Issues and
the Law, From Hard Times to Hard Time: The Law of Prisons and
Welfare Reform, and Critical Legal Studies. Her current research
examines the impact of student debt on college students’ lives and
opportunities for mobility.
Contact: hursta@kenyon.edu
Richard C. Mitchell (PhD) is an
Assistant Professor in Child and Youth Studies, Brock University,
Canada and completed his doctorate in Sociology and Social Policy
with the University of Stirling, Scotland. His standpoint is
grounded in critical social pedagogy with a focus on
transdisciplinary applications of the UN Convention on the Rights of
the Child. His current teaching looks at human rights within
education, mental health, child and youth work, and related
professional settings, as well as social policy, citizenship and
equity issues for under-eighteens.
Contact: rmitchel@brocku.ca
Niels Åkerstrøm Andersen (PhD) is a
Professor at Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy at
The Copenhagen Business School. There, he is also research manager
of the Public and Political Management Group consisting of 20
researchers. He has worked with discourse analysis and systems
theory for quite many years. His focus has been diagnoses of present
within the empirical field of public administration in a very broad
sense. He has published 9 books and more than 30 articles. In 2003
he published Discursive analytical strategies. Understanding
Foucault, Koselleck, Laclau, Luhmann at Policy Press.
Contact: aakerstrom@cbs.dk
Ellu Saar (PhD) is a senior researcher
at Institute for International and Social Studies, Tallinn
University, Estonia. She is now coordinating the EU 6th framework
project "Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: The
Contribution of the Education System". She is published articles
about social stratification, job mobility, transitions in youth in European
Sociological Review; European Societies; Europe-Asia
Studies; Nationalities Papers etc.
Contact: saar@iiss.ee
Margarita Kazjulja is a researcher
at Institute for International and Social Studies, Tallinn
University, Estonia. She is also a doctoral student in Tallinn
University. Her areas of research are the stratification, education,
labour market and social network.
Contact: kazjulja@iiss.ee
Wendy Leo Moore (PhD) is an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Sociology at Texas A&M University.
She hold a Ph.D. in Sociology, as well as a J.D., and her research
integrates the sociology of race and law. Her book Reproducing
Racism in Elite Law Schools: White Institutional Space and Social
and Political Inequality, is in production with Rowman &
Contact: wlmoore@tamu.edu
Jennifer L. Pierce (PhD) is an
associate professor of sociology in the Department of American
Studies at the University of Minnesota. She has published Gender
Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms (California Press,
1995), Is Academic Feminism Dead? Theory in Praxis (NYU Press), and
Feminist Waves, Feminist Generations: Life Stories from the Academy
(Minnesota Press, 2007). She is currently working on a book
tentatively titled Racing for Innocence: Whiteness, Corporate
Culture, and the Backlash Against Affirmative Action.
Contact: pierc012@umn.edu
Barbara Adkins (PhD) is Senior
Lecturer in Sociology at the Queensland University of Technology,
Australia. She is also senior social scientist at the Australasian
Cooperative Research Centre for Interaction Design (ACID). Her
current research examines conceptual and methodological approaches
to sociocultural aspects of interaction and urban design.
Contact: b.adkins@qut.edu.au
Eryn Grant is in the final stages of
completing her doctorate at Queensland University of Technology,
Australia. She specialises in applying ethnomethodogical approaches
to games and persistent worlds online and has worked closely with
Dr. Barbara Adkins in conceptualising a methodological matrix for
games design at the Australasian Co-operative Research Centre
Contact: e.grant@qut.edu.au
Harri Sarpavaara (PhD) is a
postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Sociology and Social
Psychology at the University of Tampere, Finland. His PhD thesis
looked at the representations of embodiment in television
advertisements. He has published a number of articles concerning the
representations of body and gender, stereotypes, and humor in e-mail
jokes and advertising. Sarpavaara is currently investigating
substance use and addictions in prison context.
Contact: harri.sarpavaara@uta.fi
Steven Kleinknecht is a doctoral
student in the Department of Sociology at McMaster University. His
major research interests revolve around qualitative methods,
subcultures, deviant behaviour, online interaction, and social
problems. Examining people’s everyday lived experiences using a
symbolic interactionist approach, his dissertation is an
ethnographic examination of social change and boundary maintenance
among the Old Order Mennonites of southwestern Ontario. His other
recent research includes the study of the hacker subculture,
ex-politicians, and online qualitative methods. Steve also has
worked as a research analyst at the Department of Justice Canada
where he has written on issues pertaining to restorative justice,
juvenile delinquency, and cybercrime.
Contact: kleinksw@mcmaster.ca