Qualitative Sociology Review
Volume IV Issue 1
Robert Prus, a professor of sociology
at the University of Waterloo, is a symbolic interactionist,
pragmatist ethnographer, and social theorist. Stressing the
importance of connecting social theory with the study of human
action in direct, experientially-engaged terms, he has written
extensively on the ways that people make sense of and deal with the
life-worlds in which they find themselves. His publications include
Road Hustler with C.R.D. Sharper; Hookers, Rounders, and
Desk Clerks with Styllianoss Irini; Making Sales; Pursuing
Customers; Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research;
Subcultural Mosaics and Intersubjective Realities; Beyond the Power
Mystique; and The Deviant Mystique with Scott Grills.
Working as an ethnohistorian and theorist, Robert Prus has been
tracing the developmental flows of pragmatist thought from the
classical Greek era (c700-300BCE) to the present time. This
transhistorical venture has taken him into a number of areas of
western social thought -- including rhetoric, poetics, religious
studies, history, education, politics, and philosophy.
Contact: prus@uwaterloo.ca
Deborah Ben-Shir is a lecturer at
the department of Education and Psychology of The Open University of
Israel. Her research interests focus mostly on self-identity,
creativity and education.
Contact: dvorabe@openu.ac.il
Katarina Jacobsson is an Assistant
Professor of sociology at the University of Lund (Department of
Social Work). Interested in social control, rhetoric, narrative
practices, and the sociology of deviance, she has studied ‘the world
of the deaf’, and the Swedish legal system and its handling of cases
of domestic violence and corruption. The concept of “objectivity
work” is further examined in her present qualitative research
project on medical decision-making.
Contact: katarina.jacobsson@soch.lu.se
Jack Fong (PhD) is currently a new
Assistant Professor of Sociology, in the Department of Psychology
and Sociology, at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona.
Dr. Fong's interests as a political sociologist revolves around
issues of ethnicity and race identities, ethnopolitics, and its
material consequences. Dr. Fong's interest in ethnicity is derived
from America's continuing efforts at redefining itself as different
groups reshape the multicultural landscape of the country's rich
identities, especially in the context of September 11, 2001. He has
already published in Ethnic and Racial Studies. Moreover, his
international orientation has also resulted in a historical
ethnography based from his field research with the Karen people
residing in their state Kawthoolei, and fighting the infamous
military regime of Burma. This work will be released as a book via
Universal Publishers, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, in mid-June 2008. It
is titled Revolution as Development: The Karen Self-Determination
Struggle against Ethnocracy from 1949-2004, and is currently
entering the final stages of editing.
Contact: jackfong@csupomona.edu
Giampietro Gobo (PhD) is Associate
Professor of Methodology of Social Research at the Faculty of
Political Science, University of Milan. He teaches also Ethnography,
and Evaluation Methods. He co-edited (with C. Seale, J.F. Gubrium
and D. Silverman) Qualitative Research Practice, Sage (2004).
His last textbook is Doing Ethnography, Sage (2008). His
current research interests are dealing with ‘workplace studies’ and
CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work). Currently he is
conducting ethnographic and discourse analysis studies in call
centre, mainly in Italian Medic Emergency Dispatch Centres.
Contact: giampietro.gobo@unimi.it
Lori McNeil is an Assistant Professor
of Sociology at Long Island University, C.W. Post Campus. The
majority of McNeil’s research focuses on issues typically related to
women, children and other marginalized groups. Her recent work has
been featured in the Journal of Applied Sociology, Michigan
Sociological Review and The Journal of Children & Poverty.
Contact: lori.mcneil@liu.edu
Caroline Pearce is a Sociology
Masters student at the University of Manchester. She is currently
undertaking research into the experience of grief following the
death of a mother in adolescence in young women’s narratives. Her
central research interests are narratives, grief, meaning and
Contact: caroline.pearce@yahoo.co.uk
Sang-hui Nam(PhD) is a sociologist and
research fellow at the German Institute of Global and Area Studies
(GIGA), Hamburg. Her research interests include cultural studies and
qualitative methods. She is currently working on the project
“Innovation and Contention: Protest Waves in South Korea
(1988-2005)”. The project focuses on innovative processes in the
civil society (i.e. citizen journalism, transnational collective
action). She is planning the next research project about the
formation of a regional identity in East Asia.
Contact: nam@giga-hamburg.de
Krzysztof T. Konecki is a Professor
of Sociology, chair of Organizational and Management Sociology
Department, Lodz University, Poland, Vice - President of Qualitative
Research Network of European Sociological Association. His major
research areas are: qualitative sociology, grounded theory, symbolic
interactionism, visual sociology, sociology of management and
organization, sociology of work, organizational symbolism, Japanese
culture and management, human-non-human-animals relationships.
Contact: konecki@uni.lodz.pl
Peter Nugus (PhD) is a medical
sociologist in the Centre for Clinical Governance Research, Faculty
of Medicine, University of New South Wales, Australia.
He researches on the sociology of health organizations, professional
identity and integrated care. Peter is a Research Fellow on the
Interprofessional Learning Project and is based in the ACT
Department of Health, the Centre's industry partner, in Canberra.
Contact: p.nugus@unsw.edu.au
Lucija Mulej (PhD) is a fellow
researcher at the Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian
Academy of Sciences and Arts (www.zrc-sazu.si). She is working at
the Section for the Interdisciplinary Research in Humanities. She is
a head of international office specially committed to European
projects and politics. Her research interests are sociology and
sociology of science, especially the theories of knowledge and
creativity. She teaches at the University of Nova Gorica (Science
and the media, Social Ecology). Recently she has published a manual
“A Way to Brussels or How to Win a European Project in Humanities”
together with prof.dr. Oto Luthar and mag. Martin Pogacar.
Contact: lucija.mulej@zrc-sazu.si